家族活动 | 神笔马良之妙笔生花
In house activities, we unite, collaborate, courageously try, and work together to build a balanced, loving, and inclusive team!
—— CBIS国际部家族活动愿景宣言
In this house activity, students actively follow the house activities vision declaration, through joint cooperation to achieve the designated task goals. First of all, we should mobilize the leadership of each family team leader. The leaders used mathematical knowledge to divide all family members into three groups. In three groups, we must have the different division of labor - 1 person in charge of overall coordination, 3 -4 people in charge of information and 8 people in charge of typing. In such a fine division of labor, we need to have efficient communication and executive ability to complete the task quickly. Secondly, in the game link, the sender needs to use intelligence to decode information, and transmit the decoded information secretively. And then 8 typers jointly control a huge brush to complete the reception of information! This activity activates and displays the children"s mathematics subject knowledge through practical application, the understanding of learnt Chinese subject knowledge, the team spirit, the body coordination ability and so on. In the light-hearted games, they naturally connect disciplines and experience the importance of cross-disciplinary competence in real life.
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Throughout the house activities, students develop their attributes of learner profile such as "communicators" and "principled". They improve the "self-management skills" and "communication skills". They are communicators and adventurers when they bilingually express themselves in different ways. As they accumulate experience in the first two rounds and adjust their game methods, they develop their qualities as explorers and reflectors. In addition to these IB traits, the children demonstrated their attitudes. Through teamwork, they make full use of their imagination, keep the commitment to their team members and collaborate to accomplish the mission.
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Students are the directors of their own learning, and they have the inherent potential to explore, question, wonder, and reason about themselves, others, and the world around them. The educational mission of every member of our PYP community is stimulating the initiative of students, enabling students to have the right to choose, say and lead the study, and cultivating diligent, inquisitive, knowledgeable and caring IB learners.
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撰稿 翻译 | 罗文惠
摄影 | 刘湘伟
编辑 | 刘楚渊
审核 | 李晓丽 陈骏
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